# config-mapper [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue)](https://gitea.antoine-langlois.net/DataHearth/config-mapper/src/branch/main/LICENSE) [![Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-v0.6.2-blue)](https://gitea.antoine-langlois.net/DataHearth/config-mapper/tags) `config-mapper` is CLI utility tool to help you manage your configuration between UNIX systems. It provides a set of tools to load your configuration from a system, save it into a git repository and then save it to a new system. This configuration can be a set of files, folders or even dependencies. ## Usage Before going any further, you need to create a repository to store your configuration. You can choose any supplier as long it's a git repository :). When copying a file from your configuration repository to your system, it's performing a copy. If the file exists on the system, it's content will be replaced by your configuration's one. The system is detected automatically. You just need to specify whether the related field in case of `files` or folders `sections` (fields: `darwin` | `linux`). You can get a configuration template [here](https://gitea.antoine-langlois.net/DataHearth/config-mapper/raw/branch/main/.config-mapper.yml.template). ### Installation - Using a pre-build binary Binaries are available in the `release` section at [https://gitea.antoine-langlois.net/DataHearth/config-mapper/releases](https://gitea.antoine-langlois.net/DataHearth/config-mapper/releases). - Building from source: ```bash git clone https://gitea.antoine-langlois.net/DataHearth/config-mapper.git cd config-mapper go build -o $HOME/.local/bin/config-mapper ``` - With Golang cli ```bash go install gitea.antoine-langlois.net/datahearth/config-mapper@latest ``` ### Setup Create a file called `.config-mapper.yml` in your `home` directory (it is the default search path for config-mapper). If you wish to move it to another directory, you can choose by either setting an environment: `CONFIG_MAPPER_CFG=/path/to/config/.config-mapper.yml` or by using the `-c /path/to/config/.config-mapper.yml` flag. Once the configuration file created, run this command to initialize the repository locally: ```bash config-mapper init ``` If the folder is already present and is a git directory, clone instruction will be ignored. template for storage part: ```yaml storage: # Where will be the repository folder located ? [DEFAULT: MacOS($TMPDIR/config-mapper) | Linux(/tmp/config-mapper)] location: /path/to/folder git: # * by default, if ssh dict is set with its keys filled, I'll try to clone with SSH repository: git@github.com:DataHearth/my-config.git basic-auth: username: USERNAME # * NOTE: if you're having trouble with error "authentication required", you should maybe use a token access # * In some cases, it's due to 2FA authentication enabled on the git hosting provided password: TOKEN ssh: # path can be relative and can contain environment variables private-key: /path/to/private/key passphrase: PASSPHRASE ``` ### Save your configuration into your repository Now that your repository is setup localy, you can sync your configuration into it by simply running this command: ```bash config-mapper save ``` All defined files and folders will be copied inside your repository. If you want to exclude one part of your configuration file (files, folders), you can use these flags to ignore them `--disable-files` `--disable-folders`. You can also exclude files and folders from a given directory with a `.gitignore` like file named `.ignore`. Put it in the root directory of an included folder and add relative path to exclude (does not support glob for now). E.g: ```bash Permissions Size User Date Modified Name drwxr-xr-x - antoine 1 Jun 20:28 ../demo .rw-r--r-- 12 antoine 1 Jun 20:28 ├── .ignore drwxr-xr-x - antoine 1 Jun 20:28 ├── egg .rw-r--r-- 0 antoine 1 Jun 20:28 │ └── bar.py .rw-r--r-- 0 antoine 1 Jun 20:26 ├── example.py drwxr-xr-x - antoine 1 Jun 20:27 └── foo .rw-r--r-- 0 antoine 1 Jun 20:24 ├── bar .rw-r--r-- 0 antoine 1 Jun 20:27 └── demo.py ``` `.ignore` content: ```text # bar file will be ignored foo/bar # egg folder will be ignore egg ``` template for your configuration: ```yaml # NOTE: the $LOCATION if refering to the "storage.location" path. It'll be replaced automatically # The left part of ":" is your repository location and right part is on your system files: - darwin: "$LOCATION/macos/.zshrc:~/.zshrc" linux: "$LOCATION/linux/.zshrc:~/.zshrc" folders: - darwin: "$LOCATION/macos/.config:~/.config" linux: "$LOCATION/macos/.config:~/.config" package-managers: installation-order: - brew brew: - bat - hexyl - fd - hyperfine - diskus - jq - k9s - go - starship - exa - httpie - neovim - nmap - pinentry - zsh apt-get: [] pip: [] cargo: [] pip: [] go: [] ``` ### Load your configuration onto the system Once your repository is populated with your configurations, you can now load them onto a new system by using: ```bash config-mapper load ``` The same ignore flags are used in the `save` command. ## TO-DO - [x] add `.ignore` file to ignore content inside directory - [x] use remote configuration: SSH - [ ] optimisation over speed and memory - add more storage options - [ ] smb storage - [ ] nfs storage - [ ] zip ## Known issues - GitHub SSH repository url: `ssh: handshake failed: knownhosts: key mismatch` Resolved by create a new primary key based on GitHub new GIT SSH standards ([issue](https://github.com/go-git/go-git/issues/411)) - Cloning from GitHub with `https BasicAuth` and 2FA activated: `authentication required` Resolved by creating an access token and set it as password in configuration - WSL might have a rough time with opened files by `homebrew` and throwing `Error: too many open files`. [This thread](https://github.com/Homebrew/linuxbrew-core/issues/21139) discuss about this issue. The workaround seems to be increase the filesystem limit (`ulimit -Hn && ulimit -Sn`). Another way is to launch again your command as homebrew already installed some the packages.