package cmd import ( "strconv" "time" mapper "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "config-mapper", Short: "Manage your systems configuration", Long: `config-mapper aims to help you manage your configurations between systems with a single configuration file.`, Version: "v0.6.2", } var initCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "init", Short: "Initialize your configuration folder", Long: `Initialize will retrieve your configuration folder from the source location and copy it into the destination field`, Run: initCommand, } var loadCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "load", Short: "Load your configurations onto your system", Long: `Load your files, folders and package managers deps configurations onto your new onto your new system based on your configuration file`, Run: load, } var saveCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "save", Short: "save your configurations onto your saved location", Long: `Save your files, folders and package managers deps configurations onto your saved location based on your configuration file`, Run: save, } var installCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "install", Short: "install additional tools", Long: `install additional tools like package managers, programming languages, etc.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { log.Fatal("install command not implemented yet") }, } func init() { cobra.OnInitialize(configuration.InitConfig) rootCmd.AddCommand(initCmd) rootCmd.AddCommand(loadCmd) rootCmd.AddCommand(saveCmd) rootCmd.AddCommand(installCmd) rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolP("verbose", "v", false, "STDOUT will be more verbose") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringP("configuration-file", "c", "", "location of configuration file") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().String("ssh-user", "", "SSH username to retrieve configuration file") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().String("ssh-password", "", "SSH password to retrieve configuration file") rootCmd.PersistentFlags().String("ssh-key", "", "SSH key to retrieve configuration file (if a passphrase is needed, use the \"CONFIG_MAPPER_PASS\" env variable") viper.BindPFlag("verbose", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("verbose")) viper.BindPFlag("configuration-file", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("configuration-file")) viper.BindPFlag("ssh-user", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ssh-user")) viper.BindPFlag("ssh-password", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ssh-password")) viper.BindPFlag("ssh-key", rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Lookup("ssh-key")) loadCmd.Flags().Bool("disable-files", false, "files will be ignored") loadCmd.Flags().Bool("disable-folders", false, "folders will be ignored") loadCmd.Flags().Bool("pkgs", false, "packages will be installed") loadCmd.Flags().StringSlice("exclude-pkg-managers", []string{}, "package managers to exclude (comma separated)") viper.BindPFlag("load-disable-files", loadCmd.Flags().Lookup("disable-files")) viper.BindPFlag("load-disable-folders", loadCmd.Flags().Lookup("disable-folders")) viper.BindPFlag("load-enable-pkgs", loadCmd.Flags().Lookup("pkgs")) viper.BindPFlag("exclude-pkg-managers", loadCmd.Flags().Lookup("exclude-pkg-managers")) saveCmd.Flags().Bool("disable-files", false, "files will be ignored") saveCmd.Flags().Bool("disable-folders", false, "folders will be ignored") saveCmd.Flags().BoolP("push", "p", false, "new configurations will be committed and pushed") saveCmd.Flags().StringP("message", "m", strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10), "combined with --push to set a commit message") saveCmd.Flags().Bool("disable-index", false, "configuration index will not be updated") viper.BindPFlag("save-disable-files", saveCmd.Flags().Lookup("disable-files")) viper.BindPFlag("save-disable-folders", saveCmd.Flags().Lookup("disable-folders")) viper.BindPFlag("push", saveCmd.Flags().Lookup("push")) viper.BindPFlag("disable-index-update", saveCmd.Flags().Lookup("disable-index")) viper.BindPFlag("message", saveCmd.Flags().Lookup("message")) } func Execute() { if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil { log.Fatal("an error occured while running command", "err", err) } } func save(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var c configuration.Configuration if err := viper.Unmarshal(&c); err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to decode configuration", "err", err) } indexer, err := mapper.NewIndexer(c.Storage.Path) if err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to open the indexer", "err", err) } r, err := git.NewRepository(c.Storage.Git, c.Storage.Path) if err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to open repository", "path", c.Storage.Path, "err", err) } el := mapper.NewItemsActions(nil, c.Storage.Path, r, indexer) if !viper.GetBool("save-disable-files") { el.AddItems(c.Files) } if !viper.GetBool("save-disable-folders") { el.AddItems(c.Folders) } el.Action("save") if err := el.CleanUp(indexer.RemovedLines()); err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to clean repository", "err", err) } if viper.GetBool("push") { log.Info("pushing changes...") if err := r.PushChanges(viper.GetString("message"), indexer.Lines(), indexer.RemovedLines()); err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to push changes to repository", "err", err) } } } func load(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var c configuration.Configuration if err := viper.Unmarshal(&c); err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to decode configuration", "err", err) } i, err := mapper.NewIndexer(c.Storage.Path) if err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to open the indexer", "err", err) } r, err := git.NewRepository(c.Storage.Git, c.Storage.Path) if err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to open repository", "path", c.Storage.Path, "err", err) } el := mapper.NewItemsActions(nil, c.Storage.Path, r, i) if !viper.GetBool("load-disable-files") { el.AddItems(c.Files) } if !viper.GetBool("load-disable-folders") { el.AddItems(c.Folders) } el.Action("load") if viper.GetBool("load-enable-pkgs") { if err := mapper.InstallPackages(c.PackageManagers); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } } func initCommand(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { var c configuration.Configuration if err := viper.Unmarshal(&c); err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to decode configuration", "err", err) } log.Info("initializing config-mapper folder from configuration...") if _, err := git.NewRepository(c.Storage.Git, c.Storage.Path); err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to initialize folder", "err", err) } log.Info("repository initialized", "path", viper.GetString("storage.location")) }