use std::{ env, fs::{self, File}, path::PathBuf, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; use anyhow::Result; use clap::Parser; use license::get_license; use pyproject::Pyproject; mod components; mod license; mod pyproject; #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, clap::ValueEnum)] enum Layout { Src, Flat, } #[derive(clap::Parser)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// Output will be more verbose #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = false)] verbose: bool, /// Initialize with minimal fields for "pyproject.toml" #[arg(short, long)] complete: bool, /// Initialize folder with a git repository #[arg(long)] git: bool, /// Initialize a new virtual environment with given name in initialized directory #[arg(long)] venv: Option, /// Define a layout for your project ( #[arg(long, value_enum)] layout: Option, #[command(subcommand)] subcommands: Subcommands, } #[derive(clap::Subcommand)] enum Subcommands { New { folder: PathBuf }, Init {}, } fn main() -> Result<()> { let args = Args::parse(); match args.subcommands { Subcommands::New { folder } => { fs::create_dir(&folder)?; let folder = folder.canonicalize()?; initialize_folder(folder, args.complete, args.layout, args.venv, args.git)?; } Subcommands::Init {} => { let folder = env::current_dir()?; initialize_folder(folder, args.complete, args.layout, args.venv, args.git)?; } }; Ok(()) } fn initialize_folder( folder: PathBuf, complete: bool, layout: Option, venv: Option, git: bool, ) -> Result<()> { // todo: avoid clone and maybe find a better way let mut pypro = Pyproject::new(folder.clone(), complete); pypro.ask_inputs()?; let project_name = pypro.get_project_name(); fs::write( folder.join("LICENSE"), get_license(pypro.get_license_spdx())?.body, )?; pypro.create_file()?; if let Some(layout) = layout { let layout_inner_path = match layout { Layout::Src => { let inner_path = folder.join(format!("src/{project_name}")); fs::create_dir_all(&inner_path)?; inner_path } Layout::Flat => { let inner_path = folder.join(project_name); fs::create_dir(&inner_path)?; inner_path } }; File::create(layout_inner_path.join(""))?; } if let Some(venv) = venv { Command::new("python3") .args(&["-m", "venv", &venv]) .current_dir(&folder) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .status()?; } if git { Command::new("git") .args(&["init"]) .current_dir(&folder) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .status()?; fs::write( folder.join(".gitignore"), include_bytes!("gitignore_python.txt"), )?; } Ok(()) }