# Catalogue requests * Catalogue requests should be created at https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi-extensions/issues, not here # Bugs * Include version (Setting > About > Version) * If not latest, try updating, it may have already been solved * Dev version is equal to the number of commits as seen in the main page * Include steps to reproduce (if not obvious from description) * Include screenshot (if needed) * If it could be device-dependent, try reproducing on another device (if possible), include results and device names, OS, modifications (root, Xposed) * **Before reporting a new issue, take a look at the [FAQ](https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi/wiki/FAQ), the [changelog](https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi/releases) and the already opened [issues](https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi/issues).** * For large logs use http://pastebin.com/ (or similar) * For multipart issues **use list** like this: * [x] Done * [ ] Not done ``` * [x] Done * [ ] Not done ``` * Don't put together too many unrelated requests into one issue DO: https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi/issues/24 https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi/issues/71 DON'T: https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi/issues/75 # Feature requests * Write a detailed issue, explaning what it should do or how. Avoid writing just "like X app does" * Include screenshot (if needed) # Translations File `app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml` should be copied over to appropriate directories and then translated. Consult [Android.com](http://developer.android.com/training/basics/supporting-devices/languages.html#CreateDirs)