use poise::command; use url::Url; use crate::database::*; const HELP_MESSAGE: &str = " Hello fellow human! I am a bot that can help you adding new technologies to a git repository. To add a new technology, just type: ``` /add ``` To list all technologies, just type: ``` /list ``` To search for a technology, just type: ``` /search ``` To remove a technology, you need to have the permission to remote a tech from the list. If so, just type: ``` /remove ``` To get help, just type: ``` /help ``` "; type Error = Box; type Context<'a> = poise::Context<'a, MsgData, Error>; pub struct MsgData {} /// Show help for all commands #[command(slash_command, prefix_command)] pub async fn help(ctx: Context<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { ctx.say(HELP_MESSAGE).await?; Ok(()) } /// Add a new technology to the technologies list #[command(slash_command, prefix_command)] pub async fn add( ctx: Context<'_>, #[description = "Technology name"] technology: String, #[description = "Git repository link"] link: String, ) -> Result<(), Error> { if !Url::parse(&link).is_ok() { ctx.say(format!("Link {link} is not a valid URL")).await?; return Ok(()); } add_tech(link.clone(), technology.clone())?; ctx.say(format!("Added {technology} with link {link}",)) .await?; Ok(()) } /// List all available technologies #[command(slash_command, prefix_command)] pub async fn list(ctx: Context<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { let techs = list_tech()?; if techs.len() == 0 { ctx.say("No technologies saved").await?; return Ok(()); } ctx.say(format!( "Saved technologies: {}", techs .iter() .map(|tech| format!("[{}]({})",, .collect::>() .join(", ") )) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Search for a technology #[command(slash_command, prefix_command)] pub async fn search( ctx: Context<'_>, #[description = "Technology name (can be a regex string)"] technology: String, #[description = "Regex options"] options: Option, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let found_techs = search_tech(technology, options.map_or(String::new(), |opts| opts))?; if found_techs.len() == 0 { ctx.say("No technologies found").await?; return Ok(()); } ctx.say(format!( "Found technologies: {}", found_techs .iter() .map(|tech| format!("Name: {} => Link: {}",, .collect::>() .join("\n") )) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Remove a technology from the technologies list #[command(slash_command, prefix_command)] pub async fn remove( ctx: Context<'_>, #[description = "Technology name"] technology: String, ) -> Result<(), Error> { if is_auth_user( { ctx.say("You don't have permission to remove a technology") .await?; return Ok(()); } remove_tech(technology)?; ctx.say("Technology removed").await?; Ok(()) } /// Remove a technology from the technologies list #[command(slash_command, prefix_command)] pub async fn add_auth_user( ctx: Context<'_>, #[description = "Discord user ID"] id: String, ) -> Result<(), Error> { if !std::env::var("ADMIN_USERS") .expect("missing ADMIN_USERS") .contains(& { ctx.say("You don't have permission to add a new user") .await?; return Ok(()); } set_auth_user(id)?; ctx.say("User added!").await?; Ok(()) }