diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml index c5005bd6dd..7886b905b5 100644 --- a/appveyor.yml +++ b/appveyor.yml @@ -41,15 +41,16 @@ after_build: { $GITDATE = $(git show -s --date=short --format='%ad') -replace "-","" $GITREV = $(git show -s --format='%h') - $BUILD_NAME = "citra-${GITDATE}-${GITREV}-windows-amd64.7z" -replace "`n|`r","" - # zip up the build folder + # Where are these spaces coming from? Regardless, let's remove them + $BUILD_NAME = "citra-${GITDATE}-${GITREV}-windows-amd64.7z" -replace " ","" + # Zip up the build folder 7z a $BUILD_NAME .\build\bin\release\* - # download winscp + # Download winscp Invoke-WebRequest "http://hivelocity.dl.sourceforge.net/project/winscp/WinSCP/5.7/winscp570.zip" -OutFile "winscp570.zip" 7z e -y winscp570.zip - # upload to server + # Upload to server .\WinSCP.com /command ` "option batch abort" ` "option confirm off" `