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BitTorrent-Rust is a fully fledged BitTorrent tool suite. A library supporting all BEP (WIP), a GUI (TODO) for desktop usage, a CLI/TUI (WIP) and a web ui for containerised environment.

Why another GUI/CLI/TUI/WebUI/library ?

Why not 😁. Joke aside, I feel like some users might want an AIO BitTorrent environment. My goal is to create a modern stack.



Everything under a BEP MUST be supported. Non standard fields for .torrent are also mapped when encountered and they need a special treatement (like dates).

To start developing with it:

cargo add bittorrent-rs

[!WARNING] The library is a work in progress. Please refer to the implemented section below. The library's documentation is also a work in progress.


  • BEP 0003 - V1 specification
    • .torrent parsing
    • Tracker request
    • Peer download
  • BEP 0004 - Reserved bit allocation (tested & verified)
  • BEP 0005 - DHT protocol
  • BEP 0020 - Peer ID convention