feat: add new provider and update config template (#2)

This commit is contained in:
Antoine Langlois 2021-03-19 22:26:16 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6fead37859
commit 1190574d8c
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 292 additions and 114 deletions

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@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
package ddnsclient
import (
type ClientConfig struct {
Logger Logger `mapstructure:"logger"`
Providers Providers `mapstructure:"providers"`
Watcher Watcher `mapstructure:"watcher"`
UpdateTime int `mapstructure:"update-time"`
WebIP string `mapstructure:"web-ip"`
Logger Logger `mapstructure:"logger"`
Providers Providers `mapstructure:"providers"`
Watchers WatcherConfig `mapstructure:"watchers"`
UpdateTime int `mapstructure:"update-time,omitempty"`
PendingDnsPropagation int `mapstructure:"pending-dns-propagation,omitempty"`
WebIP string `mapstructure:"web-ip,omitempty"`
type Logger struct {
Level string `mapstructure:"level"`
DisableTimestamp bool `mapstructure:"disable-timestamp"`
DisableColor bool `mapstructure:"disable-color"`
DisableTimestamp bool `mapstructure:"disable-timestamp,omitempty"`
DisableColor bool `mapstructure:"disable-color,omitempty"`
type Providers struct {
Ovh Ovh `mapstructure:"ovh,omitempty"`
Ovh ovh.OvhConfig `mapstructure:"ovh,omitempty"`
Google google.GoogleConfig `mapstructure:"google,omitempty"`
type Ovh struct {
URL string `mapstructure:"url"`
Username string `mapstructure:"username"`
Password string `mapstructure:"password"`
type Watcher struct {
Domain string `mapstructure:"domain"`
Subdomains []string `mapstructure:"subdomains"`
type WatcherConfig struct {
Ovh []string `yaml:"ovh,omitempty"`
Google []string `yaml:"google,omitempty"`

View File

@ -1,22 +1,31 @@
level: info # panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
disable-timestamp: false
disable-color: true
disable-timestamp: false # default false
disable-color: true # default false
# replace YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME with the desired domain name
url: http://www.ovh.com/nic/update?system=dyndns&hostname=SUBDOMAIN&myip=NEWIP
# Uncomment your DDNS provider
# ovh:
# url: http://www.ovh.com/nic/update?system=dyndns&hostname=SUBDOMAIN&myip=NEWIP
# username: SOME_USERNAME
# password: SOME_PASSWORD
# google:
# url: https://username:password@domains.google.com/nic/update?hostname=SUBDOMAIN&myip=NEWIP
# OR
# url: https://domains.google.com/nic/update?hostname=SUBDOMAIN&myip=NEWIP
# username: SOME_USERNAME
# password: SOME_PASSWORD
domain: some.com
- example # just put the host. Ignore the base domain
# google:
# Currently, only one subdomain is supported...
# - sub.domain-google.com
# ovh:
# - sub.domain-ovh.com
update-time: 300 # in seconds
update-time: 300 # in seconds, default 180
pending-dns-propagation: 120 # in seconds, default 180
web-ip: http://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/getip # default http://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/getip

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@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1 h1:WXkYYl6Yr3qBf1K79EBnL4mak0OimBfB0XUf9Vl28OQ
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View File

@ -1,15 +1,26 @@
package ddnsclient
import (
var (
ErrSbsLen = errors.New("subdomains len is 0")
ErrInvalidProvider = errors.New("invalid provider name")
ErrWatchersConfigLen = errors.New("watcher configuration needs at least one [watcherd] and [providerd] configuration")
ErrWatcherCreationLen = errors.New("no valid watchers were created. Checkout [watchers] configuration and its [providers] configuration")
// Start create a new instance of ddns-client
@ -19,30 +30,56 @@ func Start(logger logrus.FieldLogger, config ClientConfig) error {
"component": "root",
log.Debugln("create OVH provider")
ovh, err := ovh.NewOVH(logger)
if err != nil {
return err
fields := reflect.ValueOf(config.Watchers)
ws := []watcher.Watcher{}
// * check providers and watchers config
// todo: invalid condition but while still exit in the next step. To be corrected
if fields.NumField() == 0 || reflect.ValueOf(config.Providers).NumField() == 0 {
return ErrWatchersConfigLen
log.Debugln("creating watcher with OVH provider")
w, err := watcher.NewWatcher(logger, ovh, viper.GetString("web-ip"))
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < fields.NumField(); i++ {
providerName := strings.ToLower(fields.Type().Field(i).Name)
w, err := CreateWatcher(providerName, config.WebIP, logger, config.Watchers, config.Providers, config.PendingDnsPropagation)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("Provider error: %v. Skipping...\n", err.Error())
ws = append(ws, w)
// * check for valid created watchers
if len(ws) == 0 {
return ErrWatcherCreationLen
// * create signal watcher
sigc := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigc, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT)
defer close(sigc)
// * create close and error channel
chClose := make(chan struct{})
chErr := make(chan error)
defer close(chClose)
defer close(chErr)
defer close(sigc)
log.Infoln("Start watching periodically for changes!")
t := time.NewTicker(viper.GetDuration("update-time") * time.Second)
go w.Run(t, chClose, chErr)
logger.Infoln("Start watching periodically for changes!")
// * run every created watchers in goroutines
for _, w := range ws {
tickTime := config.UpdateTime
if tickTime == 0 {
tickTime = 180
t := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(tickTime) * time.Second)
go w.Run(t, chClose, chErr)
// * listening for errors and exit signal
for {
select {
case err := <-chErr:
@ -55,3 +92,43 @@ func Start(logger logrus.FieldLogger, config ClientConfig) error {
func CreateWatcher(provider, webIP string, logger logrus.FieldLogger, wc WatcherConfig, ps Providers, pendingDnsPropagation int) (watcher.Watcher, error) {
var sbs []string
var p providers.Provider
var err error
// * check for implemented providers
switch provider {
case "ovh":
logger.Debugln("create OVH provider")
p, err = ovh.NewOVH(logger, &ps.Ovh)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sbs = wc.Ovh
case "google":
logger.Debugln("create GOOGLE provider")
p, err = google.NewGoogle(logger, &ps.Google)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sbs = wc.Google
return nil, ErrInvalidProvider
if len(sbs) == 0 {
return nil, ErrSbsLen
// * create provider's watcher
w, err := watcher.NewWatcher(logger, p, sbs, webIP, provider, pendingDnsPropagation)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return w, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package google
import (
var (
// ErrNilGoogleConfig is thrown when GOOGLE configuration is empty
ErrNilGoogleConfig = errors.New("GOOGLE config is mandatory")
// ErrInvalidConfig is thrown when no username and password are provided and URL doesn't contains them
ErrInvalidConfig = errors.New("username and password are required if url doesn't contains them")
// ErrReadBody is thrown when reader failed to read response body
ErrReadBody = errors.New("failed to read response body")
// GoogleConfig is the struct for the yaml configuration file
type GoogleConfig struct {
URL string `mapstructure:"url"`
Username string `mapstructure:"username,omitempty"`
Password string `mapstructure:"password,omitempty"`
type google struct {
config *GoogleConfig
logger logrus.FieldLogger
// NewGoogle returns a new instance of the GOOGLE provider
func NewGoogle(logger logrus.FieldLogger, googleConfig *GoogleConfig) (providers.Provider, error) {
if googleConfig == nil {
return nil, ErrNilGoogleConfig
if logger == nil {
return nil, utils.ErrNilLogger
if (googleConfig.Username == "" && googleConfig.Password == "") && !strings.Contains(googleConfig.URL, "@") {
return nil, ErrInvalidConfig
logger = logger.WithField("pkg", "provider-google")
return &google{
config: googleConfig,
logger: logger,
}, nil
// UpdateIP updates the subdomain A record
func (g *google) UpdateIP(subdomain, ip string) error {
newURL := strings.ReplaceAll(g.config.URL, "SUBDOMAIN", subdomain)
newURL = strings.ReplaceAll(newURL, "NEWIP", ip)
logger := g.logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"component": "update-ip",
"ovh-update-url": newURL,
"subdomain": subdomain,
"new-ip": ip,
// * create POST request
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", newURL, nil)
if err != nil {
return utils.ErrCreateNewRequest
// * use basic auth if config is set
if g.config.Username != "" && g.config.Password != "" {
logger.Debugln("username and password passed in config. Use basic auth")
req.SetBasicAuth(g.config.Username, g.config.Password)
// * perform POST request
logger.Debugln("calling Google DynDNS to update subdomain IP")
c := new(http.Client)
resp, err := c.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return utils.ErrUpdateRequest
// * read response body
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return ErrReadBody
// * check for error response
// doc: https://support.google.com/domains/answer/6147083?hl=en#zippy=%2Cusing-the-api-to-update-your-dynamic-dns-record
// todo: check why the hell do I need to use () for conditions here !!!!
if (strings.Contains(string(b), "good "+ip) != true) || (strings.Contains(string(b), "nochg "+ip) != false) {
return errors.New("failed to update subdomain ip. Google error: " + string(b))
return nil

View File

@ -1,46 +1,57 @@
package ovh
import (
// ErrNilOvhConfig is thrown when OVH configuration is empty
var ErrNilOvhConfig = errors.New("OVH config is mandatory")
type OvhConfig struct {
URL string `mapstructure:"url,omitempty"`
Username string `mapstructure:"username"`
Password string `mapstructure:"password"`
type ovh struct {
ovhConfig utils.ProviderConfig
logger logrus.FieldLogger
config *OvhConfig
logger logrus.FieldLogger
// NewOVH returns a new instance of the OVH provider
func NewOVH(logger logrus.FieldLogger) (providers.Provider, error) {
var ovhConfig utils.ProviderConfig
if c, ok := viper.GetStringMap("providers")["ovh"]; ok {
ovhConfig = c.(map[string]interface{})
} else {
return nil, utils.ErrNilOvhConfig
func NewOVH(logger logrus.FieldLogger, ovhConfig *OvhConfig) (providers.Provider, error) {
if ovhConfig == nil {
return nil, ErrNilOvhConfig
if logger == nil {
return nil, utils.ErrNilLogger
if ovhConfig.URL == "" {
ovhConfig.URL = "http://www.ovh.com/nic/update?system=dyndns&hostname=SUBDOMAIN&myip=NEWIP"
logger = logger.WithField("pkg", "provider-ovh")
return &ovh{
ovhConfig: ovhConfig,
logger: logger,
config: ovhConfig,
logger: logger,
}, nil
func (ovh *ovh) UpdateIP(subdomain, ip string) error {
newURL := strings.ReplaceAll(ovh.ovhConfig["url"].(string), "SUBDOMAIN", subdomain)
newURL := strings.ReplaceAll(ovh.config.URL, "SUBDOMAIN", subdomain)
newURL = strings.ReplaceAll(newURL, "NEWIP", ip)
logger := ovh.logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"component": "update-ip",
"ovh-update-url": newURL,
"subdomain": subdomain,
"new-ip": ip,
// * create GET request
@ -48,13 +59,10 @@ func (ovh *ovh) UpdateIP(subdomain, ip string) error {
if err != nil {
return utils.ErrCreateNewRequest
req.SetBasicAuth(ovh.ovhConfig["username"].(string), ovh.ovhConfig["password"].(string))
req.SetBasicAuth(ovh.config.Username, ovh.config.Password)
// * perform GET request
"subdomain": subdomain,
"new-ip": ip,
}).Debugln("calling OVH DynHost to update subdomain IP")
logger.Debugln("calling OVH DynHost to update subdomain IP")
c := new(http.Client)
resp, err := c.Do(req)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package subdomain
import (
@ -9,6 +10,9 @@ import (
// ErrIpLength is thrown when subdomain no or multiples remote IP address
var ErrIpLenght = errors.New("zero or more than 1 ips have been found")
type (
PendingSubdomains map[time.Time]Subdomain
subdomain struct {
@ -48,7 +52,7 @@ func (sd *subdomain) retrieveSubdomainIP() error {
if len(ips) != 1 {
return utils.ErrIpLenght
return ErrIpLenght
ip := ips[0].String()

View File

@ -6,34 +6,20 @@ import (
// * Errors
var (
// ErrReadConfigFile is thrown when viper failed to read config file
ErrReadConfigFile = errors.New("failed to read config file")
// ErrNilLogger is thrown when the parameter logger is nil
ErrNilLogger = errors.New("logger is mandatory")
// ErrNilOvhConfig is thrown when OVH configuration is empty
ErrNilOvhConfig = errors.New("OVH config is mandatory")
// ErrNilProvider ...
ErrNilProvider = errors.New("provider is mandatory")
// ErrNilHTTP ...
ErrNilHTTP = errors.New("http is mandatory")
// ErrWrongStatusCode is thrown when the response status code isn't a 200
ErrWrongStatusCode = errors.New("web-ip returns a non 200 status code")
// ErrGetServerIP is thrown when HTTP can't contact the web-ip service
ErrGetServerIP = errors.New("HTTP error")
// ErrParseHTTPBody is thrown when the HTTP service can't parse the body response
ErrParseHTTPBody = errors.New("can't parse response body")
// ErrHeadRemoteIP ...
ErrHeadRemoteIP = errors.New("failed to fetch subdomain informations with HEAD")
// ErrSplitAddr ...
ErrSplitAddr = errors.New("can't split subdomain remote IP address")
// ErrCreateNewRequest ...
ErrCreateNewRequest = errors.New("can't create http request")
// ErrUpdateRequest ...
ErrUpdateRequest = errors.New("failed to set new IP address")
// ErrIpLength ...
ErrIpLenght = errors.New("zero or more than 1 ips have been found")
type (
ProviderConfig map[string]interface{}

View File

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package watcher
import (
type Watcher interface {
@ -16,16 +14,18 @@ type Watcher interface {
type watcher struct {
logger logrus.FieldLogger
provider providers.Provider
subdomains []subdomain.Subdomain
domain string
webIP string
firstRun bool
pendingSubdomains subdomain.PendingSubdomains
logger logrus.FieldLogger
provider providers.Provider
subdomains []subdomain.Subdomain
pendingSubdomains subdomain.PendingSubdomains
firstRun bool
pendingDnsPropagation int
webIP string
providerName string
func NewWatcher(logger logrus.FieldLogger, provider providers.Provider, webIP string) (Watcher, error) {
// NewWatcher creates a watcher a given provider and its subdomains
func NewWatcher(logger logrus.FieldLogger, provider providers.Provider, sbs []string, webIP, providerName string, pendingDnsPropagation int) (Watcher, error) {
if logger == nil {
return nil, utils.ErrNilLogger
@ -35,20 +35,14 @@ func NewWatcher(logger logrus.FieldLogger, provider providers.Provider, webIP st
if webIP == "" {
webIP = "http://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/getip"
if pendingDnsPropagation == 0 {
pendingDnsPropagation = 180
logger = logger.WithField("pkg", "watcher")
domain := viper.GetStringMap("watcher")["domain"].(string)
var sbs []string
if sb, ok := viper.GetStringMap("watcher")["subdomains"].([]interface{}); ok {
for _, v := range sb {
sbs = append(sbs, fmt.Sprint(v))
sbs = utils.AggregateSubdomains(sbs, domain)
subdomains := make([]subdomain.Subdomain, len(sbs))
for i, sd := range sbs {
sub, err := subdomain.NewSubdomain(logger, sd)
for i, sb := range sbs {
sub, err := subdomain.NewSubdomain(logger, sb)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -57,13 +51,14 @@ func NewWatcher(logger logrus.FieldLogger, provider providers.Provider, webIP st
return &watcher{
logger: logger,
provider: provider,
domain: domain,
subdomains: subdomains,
webIP: webIP,
firstRun: true,
pendingSubdomains: make(map[time.Time]subdomain.Subdomain),
logger: logger,
provider: provider,
subdomains: subdomains,
webIP: webIP,
firstRun: true,
pendingSubdomains: make(map[time.Time]subdomain.Subdomain),
pendingDnsPropagation: pendingDnsPropagation,
providerName: providerName,
}, nil
@ -82,7 +77,7 @@ func (w *watcher) Run(t *time.Ticker, chClose chan struct{}, chErr chan error) {
select {
case <-chClose:
logger.Infoln("Close watcher channel triggered. Ticker stoped")
logger.Infoln("Close watcher channel triggered. Ticker stopped")
case <-t.C:
if err := w.runDDNSCheck(); err != nil {
@ -95,7 +90,7 @@ func (w *watcher) Run(t *time.Ticker, chClose chan struct{}, chErr chan error) {
func (w *watcher) runDDNSCheck() error {
logger := w.logger.WithField("component", "runDDNSCheck")
logger.Infoln("Starting DDNS check...")
logger.Infof("Starting [%s] DDNS check...\n", w.providerName)
srvIP, err := utils.RetrieveServerIP(w.webIP)
if err != nil {
@ -103,8 +98,6 @@ func (w *watcher) runDDNSCheck() error {
logger.Debugln("Checking server IP...")
srvIP = "" // tmp
for _, sb := range w.subdomains {
if sb.SubIsPending(w.pendingSubdomains) {
@ -122,10 +115,6 @@ func (w *watcher) runDDNSCheck() error {
"subdomain-address": subAddr,
}).Infoln("IP addresses doesn't match. Updating subdomain's ip...")
if err := w.provider.UpdateIP(subAddr, srvIP); err != nil {
"server-ip": srvIP,
"subdomain-address": subAddr,
}).Errorln("failed to update subdomain's ip")
return err
@ -137,16 +126,17 @@ func (w *watcher) runDDNSCheck() error {
logger.Debugf("%s is up to date. \n", subAddr)
logger.Infoln("DDNS check finished")
logger.Infof("[%s] DDNS check finished\n", w.providerName)
return nil
func (w *watcher) checkPendingSubdomains(chClose chan struct{}) {
logger := w.logger.WithField("component", "checkPendingSubdomains")
t := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10)
t := time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(w.pendingDnsPropagation))
logger.Debugln("Start checking for pending subdomains...")
for {